The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusFrom the Quarto of 1616
greatly believe him:  he looks as like a 155 conjurer as the Pope to a costermonger. [Aside.]       EMPEROR. Then, Faustus, as thou late didst promise us, We would behold that famous conqueror, Great Alexander, and his paramour, In their true shapes and state majestical, That we may wonder at their excellence. FAUSTUS. Your majesty shall see them presently.—      Mephistophilis, away, And, with a solemn noise of trumpets' sound, Present before this 156 royal Emperor Great Alexander and his beauteous paramour. MEPHIST. Faustus, I will.           [Exit.]       BENVOLIO. Well, Master Doctor, an your devils come not away quickly, you shall have me asleep presently:  zounds, I could eat myself for anger, to think I have been such an ass all this while, to stand gaping after the devil's governor, and can see nothing! FAUSTUS. I'll make you feel something anon, if my art fail me not.—      My lord, I must forewarn your majesty, That, when my spirits present the royal shapes Of Alexander and his paramour, Your grace demand 157 no questions of the king, But in dumb silence let them come and go. EMPEROR. Be it as Faustus please; we are content. BENVOLIO. Ay, ay, and I am content too:  an thou bring Alexander and his paramour before the Emperor, I'll be Actaeon, and turn      myself to a stag. FAUSTUS. And I'll play Diana, and send you the horns presently. Sennet. Enter, at one door, 158 the EMPEROR ALEXANDER, at the other, DARIUS. They meet. DARIUS is thrown down; ALEXANDER kills him, takes off his crown, and, offering to go out, his PARAMOUR meets him. He embraceth her, and sets DARIUS' crown upon her head; and, coming back, both salute the EMPEROR, who, leaving his state, 159 offers to embrace them; which FAUSTUS seeing, suddenly stays him. Then trumpets cease, and music sounds. My gracious lord, you do forget yourself; These 160 are but shadows, not substantial. EMPEROR. O, pardon me! my thoughts are so ravish'd With sight of this renowmed 161 emperor, That in mine arms I would have compass'd him. But, Faustus, since I may not speak to them, To satisfy my longing thoughts 162 at full, Let me this tell thee:  I have heard it said That this fair lady, whilst 163 she liv'd on earth, Had on her neck a little wart or mole; How may I prove that saying to be true? FAUSTUS. Your majesty may boldly go and see. EMPEROR. Faustus, I see it plain; And in this sight thou better pleasest me Than if I gain'd 164 another monarchy. FAUSTUS. Away! be gone! [Exit show.]—See, see, my 
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