107 (return) [ Ponte: Old eds. "Ponto."] 108 (return) [ match: So 4tos 1624, 1631.—2to 1616 "watch."] 109 (return) [ the: so 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "those."] 110 (return) [ in state and: So 4tos 1624, 1631.—2to 1616 "this day with."] 111 (return) [ whilst: So 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "while."] 112 (return) [ thorough: So 4to 1631.—2tos 1616, 1624, "through."] 113 (return) [ my: Qy. "one"?] 114 (return) [ cunning: So 4tos 1624, 1631.—2to 1616 "comming." (And so in the fourth line of the next speech.)] 115 (return) [ this: So 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "his."] 116 (return) [ at: So 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "to."]