The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusFrom the Quarto of 1616

       164 (return) [ I gain'd: So 4tos 1616, 1631.—2to 1624 "I HAD gain'd."]     


       165 (return) [ at window: So 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "at THE window."]     


       166 (return) [ is: So 4tos 1624, 1631.—Not in 4to 1616.]     


       167 (return) [ this is: So 4to 1624       (and rightly, as the next line proves).—2tos 1616, 1631, "is this."]     


       168 (return) [ As: So 4to 1616.—2to 1624 "That."—2to 1631 "And."]     


       169 (return) [ Belimoth....Asteroth:       Old eds. here "Belimote (and "Belimot") ....Asterote": but see p. 126, first col.     

      P. 126. (this play):      "But wherefore do I dally my revenge?—      Asteroth, Belimoth, Mephistophilis?" ] 


       170 (return) [ has: So 4to 1616.—2tos 1624, 1631, "hath."]     


       171 (return) [ horns: So 4tos 1616, 1631.—2to 1624 "horne."]     


       172 (return) [ sir: So 4tos 1616, 1631.—Not in 4to 1624.]     


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