defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further opportunities to fix the problem. REGINA. No thank you, sir. MANDERS. [Noticing her for the first time.] What—? You here? And with a glass in your hand! REGINA. [Hastily putting the glass down.] Pardon! OSWALD. Regina is going with me, Mr. Manders. MANDERS. Going! With you! OSWALD. Yes; as my wife—if she wishes it. MANDERS. But, merciful God—! REGINA. I can't help it, sir. OSWALD. Or she'll stay here, if I stay. REGINA. [Involuntarily.] Here! MANDERS. I am thunderstruck at your conduct, Mrs. Alving. MRS. ALVING. They will do neither one thing nor the other; for now I can speak out plainly. MANDERS. You surely will not do that! No, no, no! MRS. ALVING. Yes, I can speak and I will. And no ideals shall suffer after all. OSWALD. Mother—what is it you are hiding from me?