"The Ladies": A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
which now is gone for ever. But her fragrance--stimulating rather than sweet, like lavender and rosemary--could not be forgotten in any picture of the late eighteenth or early nineteenth centuries and among the women whom all the world remembers. They, one and all, can only move in dreamland now. Their lives are but stories in a printed book, and a heroine of Jane Austen's is as real as Stella or the fair Walpole. So I apologise for nothing. I have dreamed. I may hope that others will dream with me.

E. Barrington

Table of Contents

The Diurnal of Mrs Elizabeth Pepys Had she Read her Husband's Diary

The Mystery of Stella Why might not she and Vanessa have met?

My Lady Mary To Dispel the Mystery of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's quitting England in 1739

The Golden Vanity A Story of the First Irish Beauties--the Gunnings

The Walpole Beauty A Tale in Letters about Maria Walpole, Countess of Waldegrave, Duchess of Gloucester, Niece of Horace Walpole

A Blue Stocking at Court Why Fanny Burney, Madame D'Arblay, retired from Court in 1791

The Darcys of Rosing A Reintroduction to some of the characters of Miss Austen's Novels


Elizabeth Cunning Portrait by Catherine Reed

Mrs Pepys as St. Katharine Portrait by Hayts

Esther Johnson, "Stella" Portrait by Kneller

Hester Vanhomrigh, "Vanessa"

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Portrait by Kneller

Maria Gunning Portrait by Cotes

Maria Walpole and Her Daughter, Elizabeth Laura Portrait by Reynolds

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