Tom Sawyer, Detective
 “What do you reckon he’s a-playing?” 

 “I hain’t any notion—I never thought of it.” 

 I says to myself, here’s another one that runs to pie. 

 “Anything peculiar about him?—the way he acts or talks?” 

 “No—nothing, except he seems so scary, and keeps his doors locked night and day both, and when you knock he won’t let you in till he opens the door a crack and sees who it is.” 

 “By jimminy, it’s int’resting! I’d like to get a look at him. Say—the next time you’re going in there, don’t you reckon you could spread the door and—” 

 “No, indeedy! He’s always behind it. He would block that game.” 

 Tom studied over it, and then he says: 

 “Looky here. You lend me your apern and let me take him his breakfast in the morning. I’ll give you a quarter.” 

 The boy was plenty willing enough, if the head steward wouldn’t mind. Tom says that’s all right, he reckoned he could fix it with the head steward; and he done it. He fixed it so as we could both go in with aperns on and toting vittles. 

 He didn’t sleep much, he was in such a sweat to get in there and find out the mystery about Phillips; and moreover he done a lot of guessing about it all night, which warn’t no use, for if you are going to find out the facts of a thing, what’s the sense in guessing out what ain’t the facts and wasting ammunition? I didn’t lose no sleep. I wouldn’t give a dern to know what’s the matter of Phillips, I says to myself. 

 Well, in the morning we put on the aperns and got a couple of trays of truck, and Tom he knocked on the door. The man opened it a crack, and then he let us in and shut it quick. By Jackson, when we got a sight of him, we ’most dropped the trays! and Tom says: 

 “Why, Jubiter Dunlap, where’d you come from?” 

 Well, the man was astonished, of course; and first off he looked like he didn’t know whether to be scared, or glad, or both, or which, but finally he settled down to being glad; and then his color come back, though at first his face had turned pretty white. So we got to talking together while he et his breakfast. And he says: 

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