The Monster Men
hand upon his wrist he remained beside him while another walked away with the lovely creature he had thought his very own. 

 Until after dark the professor kept the young man hidden in the jungle, and then, safe from detection, led him back to the laboratory. 



 On their return to camp after her rescue Virginia talked a great deal to von Horn about the young giant who had rescued her, until the man feared that she was more interested in him than seemed good for his own plans. 

 He had now cast from him the last vestige of his loyalty for his employer, and thus freed had determined to use every means within his power to win Professor Maxon’s daughter, and with her the heritage of wealth which he knew would be hers should her father, through some unforeseen mishap, meet death before he could return to civilization and alter his will, a contingency which von Horn knew he might have to consider should he marry the girl against her father’s wishes, and thus thwart the crazed man’s mad, but no less dear project. 

 He realized that first he must let the girl fully understand the grave peril in which she stood, and turn her hope of protection from her father to himself. He imagined that the initial step in undermining Virginia’s confidence in her father would be to narrate every detail of the weird experiments which Professor Maxon had brought to such successful issues during their residence upon the island. 

 The girl’s own questioning gave him the lead he needed. 

 “Where could that horrid creature have come from that set upon me in the jungle and nearly killed poor Sing?” she asked. 

 For a moment von Horn was silent, in well simulated hesitancy to reply to her query. 

 “I cannot tell you, Miss Maxon,” he said sadly, “how much I should hate to be the one to ignore your father’s commands, and enlighten you upon this and other subjects which lie nearer to your personal welfare than you can possibly guess; but I feel that after the horrors of this day duty demands that I must lay all before you—you cannot again be exposed to the horrors from which you were rescued only by a miracle.” 

 “I cannot imagine what you hint at, Dr. von Horn,” said Virginia, “but if to explain to me will necessitate betraying my father’s confidence I prefer that you remain silent.” 

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