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The Man with the Clubfoot
Espionage and adventure entangle a British agent with a dangerous foe
History & war   43.7K reading
Thunder Saint
A hero harnesses thunder powers to fight evil forces
Fantasy   320.8K reading
File No. 113
Bank clerk embezzles funds, leaves numeric clue, investigator solves case
Mystery   969.0K reading
The Moonstone
A stolen gem brings mystery, theft, and curses to an English family
Mystery   638.1K reading
By Wit of Woman
Exploring how women's intelligence shapes lives and societies
Love Story   262.2K reading
Supreme Sovereign
A hero rises to ultimate power in a fantastical realm
Fantasy   98.3K reading
Boys and Girls Bookshelf (Vol 2 of 17)Folk-Lore, Fables, And Fairy Tales
Collection of global folk stories, fables, and fairy tales for children
Children's stories   1.1M reading
His Unknown Wife
A gripping tale of love, deception, and unexpected revelations
Love Story   71.2K reading
The Voice from Another World
A mysterious voice guides a protagonist through a parallel dimension
Fantasy   421.3K reading
Bloodthirsty Divinity
Powerful gods clash in a brutal battle for dominance and survival
Fantasy   255.4K reading
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