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Question[ 1/10
Who are the main characters in 'The Surprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion with Those of General Napoleon Smith'?
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Question[ 2/10
Who is Sir Toady Lion in the book?
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Question[ 3/10
What kind of history is the book described as?
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Question[ 4/10
Who is the target audience for this book?
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Question[ 5/10
Which character is not mentioned in the subtitle?
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Question[ 6/10
Who are the main characters in 'The Surprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion'?
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Question[ 7/10
What kind of history is 'An Improving History for Old Boys' considered to be?
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Question[ 8/10
Who is the target audience for 'Those of General Napoleon Smith'?
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Question[ 9/10
Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned in the title 'An Improving History for Old Boys'?
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Question[ 10/10
What type of boys are specifically included in the title 'An Improving History for Old Boys'?