Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 1/10
Where does 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa' take place?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 2/10
Who is the main character in 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa'?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 3/10
What is the relationship between the lady and her pa in the story?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 4/10
Why is the cowboy considered a 'fish out of water' in the story?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 5/10
What genre does 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa' belong to?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 6/10
Who is the main character in the book 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa: A Story of a Fish Out of Water'?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 7/10
Where does the story of 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa: A Story of a Fish Out of Water' take place?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 8/10
What makes the main character a 'fish out of water' in the story?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 9/10
What genre does 'The Cowboy and the Lady and Her Pa: A Story of a Fish Out of Water' belong to?
Choose the correct answer.
Question[ 10/10
What role does 'Her Pa' play in the story?