Books in History & war
The War of the Worlds
Martians invade Earth, facing resistance and unexpected vulnerability
Science fiction   192.8K reading
A Yankee Flier in Italy
American pilot navigates war, friendship, and love in WWII Italy
History & war   151.3K reading
Infinity's Child
Girl discovers her DNA can unlock universe's deepest secrets
Fiction   66.8K reading
A Tale of Two Cities
Love, sacrifice, and revolution in Paris and London
History & war   58.3K reading
The Spy
Young woman becomes spy in Portugal during Napoleonic Wars
History & war   54.6K reading
Genetically modified virus outbreak triggers global pandemic and survival struggle
History & war   51.3K reading
The Man with the Clubfoot
Espionage and adventure entangle a British agent with a dangerous foe
History & war   43.7K reading
Earthmen Ask No Quarter!
Humans resist alien conquest on dystopian Earth
History & war   34.0K reading
The String of Pearls; Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance.
A gruesome tale of Sweeney Todd, a murderous barber, and human meat pies
Horror tales   33.8K reading
The Princess of Cleves
Young French noblewoman navigates court life, love, and duty in 16th-century France
Love Story   29.7K reading
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