Books in Detective
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
Anarchist council infiltration reveals profound philosophical debates on good and evil
Fantasy   142.0K reading
The Clue
Mystery novel where children solve crime using wit and teamwork
Fiction   129.7K reading
Where There's a Will
Legal battles and family drama unfold after a billionaire's death
Love Story   125.1K reading
The Seven Secrets
Exploration of habits and mindsets for achieving personal success and happiness
Fiction   116.8K reading
A Chain of Evidence
A detective solves a mysterious murder involving a locked room scenario
Love Story   96.5K reading
The Breaking Point
Couple faces and overcomes series of life's challenging events
Love Story   95.6K reading
Within the Law: From the Play of Bayard Veiller
Young woman turns to crime, outsmarts system, seeks justice within legal boundaries
Fiction   95.1K reading
Baron Trigault's Vengeance
Wealthy baron seeks revenge for daughter's ruin by a deceitful gambler
Fiction   94.3K reading
The Curved Blades
Murder mystery at a family gathering exposes dark secrets
Fiction   71.8K reading
The Mystery Boys and Captain Kidd's Message
Adventure-seeking boys decode a pirate's message, uncovering treasure and danger
Mystery   54.9K reading
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