Easy MoneyNight Watches, Part 9.

     "Don't you like the sea?"  ses the gal.  "I should like to go to sea myself." 

     "I shouldn't mind the sea if you was there," ses Ginger. 

     Miss Gill turned her 'ead away.  "You mustn't talk to me likethat," she ses in a soft voice.  "Still—" 

     "Still wot?" ses Ginger, arter waiting a long time. 

     "I mean, if I did go to sea, it would be nice to have a friend on board,"     she ses.  "I suppose you ain't afraid of storms, are you?" 

     "I like 'em," ses Ginger. 

     "You look as if you would," ses the gal, giving 'im a little look under     'er eyelashes.  "It must be nice to be a man and be brave. I wish I was a man." 

     "I don't," ses Ginger. 

     "Why not?"  ses the gal, turning her 'ead away agin. 

     Ginger didn't answer, he gave 'er elbow a little squeeze instead. She took it away at once, and Ginger was just wishing he 'adn't been so foolish, when it came back agin, and they sat for a long time without speaking a word. 

     "The sea is all right for some things," ses Ginger at last, "but suppose a man married!" 

     The gal shook her 'ead.  "It would be hard on 'is wife," she ses, with another little look at 'im, "but—but——" 

     Ginger pinched 'er elbow agin. 

     "But p'r'aps he could get a job ashore," she ses, "and then he could take his wife out for a bus-ride every day." 

     They 'ad to change buses arter a time, and they got on a wrong bus and went miles out o' their way, but neither of 'em seemed to mind. Ginger said he was thinking of something else, and the gal said she was too. They got to the Zoological Gardens at last, and Ginger said he 'ad never enjoyed himself so much. When the lions roared she squeezed his arm, and when they 'ad an elephant ride she was holding on to 'im with both 'ands. 

     "I am enjoying 
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