Easy MoneyNight Watches, Part 9.
myself," she ses, as Ginger 'elped her down and said     "whoa" to the elephant.  "I know it's wicked, but I can't 'elp it, and wot's more, I'm afraid I don't want to 'elp it." 

     She let Ginger take 'er arm when she nearly tripped up over a peppermint ball some kid 'ad dropped; and, arter a little persuasion, she 'ad a bottle of lemonade and six bath-buns at a refreshment stall for dinner. 

     She was as nice as she could be to him, but by the time they started for     'ome, she 'ad turned so quiet that Ginger began to think 'e must 'ave offended 'er in some way. 

     "Are you tired?"  he ses. 

     "No," ses the gal, shaking her 'ead, "I've enjoyed myself very much." 

     "I thought you seemed a bit tired," ses Ginger, arter waiting a long time. 

     "I'm not tired," ses the gal, giving 'im a sad sort o' little smile, "but I'm a little bit worried, that's all." 

     "Worried?" ses Ginger, very tender.  "Wot's worrying you?" 

     "Oh, I can't tell you," ses Miss Gill.  "It doesn't matter; I'll try and cheer up. Wot a lovely day it is, isn't it? I shall remember it all my life." 

     "Wot is it worrying you?"  ses Ginger, in a determined voice.  "Can't you tell me?" 

     "No," ses the gal, shaking her 'ead, "I can't tell you because you might want to 'elp me, and I couldn't allow that." 

     "Why shouldn't I 'elp you?"  ses Ginger.  "It's wot we was put 'ere for:     to 'elp one another." 

     "I couldn't tell you," ses the gal, just dabbing at'er eyes—with a lace pocket-'ankercher about one and a 'arf times the size of 'er nose. 

     "Not if I ask you to?"  ses Ginger. 

     Miss Gill shook 'er 'ead, and then she tried her 'ardest to turn the conversation. She talked about the weather, and the monkey-'ouse, and a gal in 'er street whose 'air changed from red to black in a single night; but it was all no good, Ginger wouldn't be put off, and at last she ses— 

     "Well," she ses, "if you must know, I'm in a difficulty; I 
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