Count BunkerBeing a Bald Yet Veracious Chronicle Containing Some Further Particulars of Two Gentlemen Whose Previous Careers Were Touched Upon in a Tome Entitled "The Lunatic at Large"
their hind-legs when he inspects the kennels!'”      

       The Baron with a solemn face gulped down his whisky-and-soda.     

       “Zat is not true about my dogs,” he replied, “but I do confess my life is vary dignified. So moch is expected of a Blitzenberg. Oh, ja, zere is moch state and ceremony.”      

       “And you seem to thrive on it.”      

       “Vell, it does not destroy ze appetite,” the Baron admitted; “and it is my duty so to live at Fogelschloss, and I alvays vish to do my duty. But, ach, sometimes I do vant to kick ze trace!”      

       “You mean you would want to if it were not for the Baroness?”      

       Bunker smiled whimsically; but his friend continued as simply serious as ever.     

       “Alicia is ze most divine woman in ze world—I respect her, Bonker, I love her, I gonsider her my better angel; but even in Heaven, I suppose, peoples sometimes vould enjoy a stroll in Piccadeelly, or in some vay to exercise ze legs and shout mit excitement. No doubt you zink it       unaccountable and strange—pairhaps ungrateful of me, eh?”      

       “On the contrary, I feel as I should if I feared this cigar had gone out and then found it alight after all.”      

       “You say so! Ah, zen I will have more boldness to confess my heart! Bonker, ven I did land in England ze leetle thought zat vould rise vas—'Ze land of freedom vunce again! Here shall I not have to be alvays ze Baron von Blitzenberg, oldest noble in Bavaria, hereditary carpet-beater to ze Court! I vill disguise and go mit old Bonker for a frolic!'”      

       “You touch my tenderest chord, Baron!”      

       “Goot, goot, my friend!” cried the Baron, warming to his work of confession like a penitent whose absolution is promised in advance; “you speak ze vords I love to hear! Of course I vould not be vicked, and I vould not disgrace myself; but I do need a leetle exercise. Is it possible?”      

       Essington sprang up and enthusiastically shook his hand.     

       “Dear Baron, you come like a ray of sunshine through a London fog—like a moulin rouge alighting in 
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