Count BunkerBeing a Bald Yet Veracious Chronicle Containing Some Further Particulars of Two Gentlemen Whose Previous Careers Were Touched Upon in a Tome Entitled "The Lunatic at Large"
Carlton House Terrace! I thought my own leaves were yellowing; I now perceive that was only an autumnal change. Spring has returned, and I feel like a green bay tree!”      

       “Hoch, hoch!” roared the Baron, to the great surprise of two Cabinet Ministers and a Bishop who were taking tea at the other side of the room.       “Vat shall ve do to show zere is no sick feeling?”      

       “H'm,” reflected Essington, with a comical look. “There's a lot of scaffolding at the bottom of St. James's Street. Should we have it down to-night? Or what do you say to a packet of dynamite in the two-penny tube?”      

       The Baron sobered down a trifle.     

       “Ach, not so fast, not qvite so fast, dear Bonker. Remember I must not get into troble at ze embassy.”      

       “My dear fellow, that's your pull. Foreign diplomatists are police-proof!”      

       “Ah, but my wife!”      

       “One stormy hour—then tears and forgiveness!”      

       The Baron lowered his voice.     

       “Her mozzer vill visit us next veek. I loff and respect Lady Grillyer; but I should not like to have to ask her for forgiveness.”      

       “Yes, she has rather an uncompromising nose, so far as I remember.”      

       “It is a kind nose to her friends, Bonker,” the Baron explained, “but severe towards——”      

       “Myself, for instance,” laughed Essington. “Well, what do you suggest?”      

       “First, zat you dine mit me to-night. No, I vill take no refusal! Listen! I am now meeting a distinguished person on important international business—do you pairceive? Ha, ha, ha! To-night it vill be necessary ve most dine togezzer. I have an engagement, but he can be put off for soch a great person as the man I am now meeting at ze club! You vill gom?”      

       “I should have been delighted—only unluckily I have a man dining with me. I tell you what! You come and join us! 
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