A Woman's Love Letters
Some day when you and I have fully learned

Our waiting-lesson, wondering, hand in hand

We shall gaze out upon an unknown land,

Our thoughts and our desires forever turned

From our old griefs, as swallows, home warding,

Sweep ever southward with unwearied wing.

[PgĀ 15]

We shall fare forth, comrades for evermore.

Though the ill-omened bird Time loves to bear

Has brushed this cheek and left an impress there

I shall be fierce and dauntless as of yore,

Free as a bird o'er the wide world to rove,

And strong and fearless, O my Love, to love.

What have we now? The haunting, vague unrest

Of incompleted measures; and we dream

Vainly, of the Musician and His theme,

How the great Master in a day most blest

Shall strike some mighty chords in harmony,

And make an end, and set the music free!

We snatch from Fate our moments of delight,

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