Few as, in April hours, the wooing calls Of orioles, or when the twilight falls First o'er the forest ere the approach of night [Pg 16] The eyes of evening;—and Love's song is sung But once, Dear Heart, but once, and we are young. Over the seas together, you and I, 'Neath blue Italian skies, or on the hills Of storied Greece,—where the warm sunlight fills Spain's mellow vineyards,—wandering reverently O'er the green plains of Palestine,—our days A golden holiday in Old World ways. Yet would we linger not by southern shores; The bracing breath of Scandinavian snows Would draw us from our dreams. The North wind blows Upon thy cheek, my Norseman, and the roars Of the wild Baltic sound within my ears When to my dreams thy stalwart form appears. [Pg 17] This will the future bring. See! Thou hast given