A Woman's Love Letters
From out the fulness of thy strength and will

This courage to me. Though the rugged hill

Looms high, and fronts our vision, yet our heaven

(I see it when I sleep) with portals wide

And shining towers, gleams on the farther side.

[Pg 18]


"Tshirr!" scolds the oriole

Where the elms stir,

Flaunting her gourd-like nest

On the tree's swaying crest:

"May's here, I cannot rest,

Go away; tshirr!"

"Tshirr!" scolds the oriole

Where the leaves blur,

Giving her threads a jerk,

Spying where rivals lurk,

"May's here, and I'm at work.

Go away, tshirr!"

[Pg 19]

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