A Woman's Love Letters
Showing our pettiness beside God's truth,

Besides His age our poor, unlearned youth.

The earth yearns forth, impatient for the days

Of its maturity, the ample sweets

Of Summer's fulness; and its great heart beats

With a fierce restlessness, for Spring delays

Seeing her giddy reign end all too soon,

Her bud-crown ravished by the hand of June.

And I,—I shall be happy,—promise me

This one small thing, Beloved, for I long

For happiness as the caged bird for song.

Not where four walls close in the melody

I want the fresh, sweet air, the water's gush,

The strong, sane life with thee, the summer hush.

[Pg 27]

A Song of Dawn.

In the east a lightening;

Where the woods are chill

Moves an unseen finger,

Wakes a sudden thrill;

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