A Woman's Love Letters
In my soul a glimmer,

Hush! no words are heard!

In heart-ambush hidden

Chirrup of a bird;

Tremble heart and forest

Like a frightened fawn,

Gleam the distant tree-tops,

Hither comes the dawn!

[PgĀ 28]


This April sun has wakened into cheer

The wintry paths of thought, and tinged with gold

These threadbare leaves of fancy brown and old.

This is for us the wakening of the year

And May's sweet breath will draw the waiting soul

To where in distance lies the longed-for goal.

The summer life will still all questioning,

The leaves will whisper peace, and calm will be

The wild, vast, blue, illimitable sea.

And we shall hush our murmurings, and bring

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