A Woman's Love Letters
To Nature, green below and blue above,

A whole life's worshipping, a whole life's love.

[Pg 29]

We will not speak of sometime fretting fears,

We will not think of aught that may arise

In future hours to cloud our golden skies.

Some souls there are who love their woes and tears,

Gaining their joy by contrast, but for thee

And me, Beloved, peace is ecstasy.

It was not always so, there was a time

When I would choose the rocky mountain way,

And climb the hills of doubt to find the day.

Fresh effort brought fresh zest, and winter's rime

Chilled not but crowned endeavor, and the heat

Of summer thrilled, and made the pulses beat.

But now I am so weary that I turn

From labor with a shudder, and from pain

[Pg 30]

As from an enemy; I see no gain

In suffering, and cleansing fires must burn

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