A Woman's Love Letters

Deep in the green bracken lying,

Close by the welcoming sea,

Dream I, and let all my dreaming

Drift as it will, Love, to thee.

Sated with splendid caresses

Showered by the sun in his pride,

Scorched by his passionate kisses

Languidly ebbs the tide.

[PgĀ 65]

Life's Joys.

I have been pondering what our teachers call

The mystery of Pain; and lo! my thought

After it's half-blind reaching out has caught

This truth and held it fast. We may not fall

Beyond our mounting; stung by life's annoy,

Deeper we feel the mystery of Joy.

Sometimes they steal across us like a breath

Of Eastern perfume in a darkened room,

These joys of ours; we grope on through the gloom

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