The New Morning: Poems
By winds of this Pentecost, out of the dawn,

Westward, to make her one people of many;

But here is a union more mighty than any.

Know you the soul of this deep exultation?

Know you the word that goes forth to this nation?

[5]I am the breath of God. I am His Liberty.


Let there be light over all His creation.

Over this Continent, wholly united,

They that were foemen in Europe are plighted.

Here, in a league that our blindness and pride

Doubted and flouted and mocked and denied,

Dawns the Republic, the laughing, gigantic

Europe, united, beyond the Atlantic.

That is America, speaking one tongue,

Acting her epics before they are sung,

Driving her rails from the palms to the snow,

Through States that are greater than Emperors know,

Forty-eight States that are empires in might,

But ruled by the will of one people tonight,

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