The New Morning: Poems
Never did eagle on mightier pinion

Tower to the height of a brighter dominion,[4]


Kindling the hope of the prophets to flame,

Calling aloud on the deep as it came,

Cleave me a way for an army with banners.

I am His Liberty. That is my name.

Know you the meaning of all they are doing?

Know you the light that their soul is pursuing?

Know you the might of the world they are making,

This nation of nations whose heart is awaking?

What is this mingling of peoples and races?

Look at the wonder and joy in their faces!

Look how the folds of the union are spreading!

Look, for the nations are come to their wedding.

How shall the folk of our tongue be afraid of it?

England was born of it. England was made of it,

Made of this welding of tribes into one,

This marriage of pilgrims that followed the sun!

Briton and Roman and Saxon were drawn

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