The New Morning: Poems
Nerved as one body, with net-works of steel,

Merging their strength in the one Commonweal,

Brooking no poverty, mocking at Mars,

Building their cities to talk with the stars.

Thriving, increasing by myriads again

Till even in numbers old Europe may wane.

How shall a son of the England they fought

Fail to declare the full pride of his thought,

[6]Stand with the scoffers who, year after year,


Bring the Republic their half-hidden sneer?

Now, as in beauty she stands at our side,

Who shall withhold the full gift of his pride?

Not the great England who knows that her son,

Washington, fought her, and Liberty won.

England, whose names like the stars in their station,

Stand at the foot of that world's Declaration,—

Washington, Livingston, Langdon, she claims them,

It is her right to be proud when she names them,

Proud of that voice in the night as it came,

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