The Short-story

                      The Lion and the Unicorn.


 A Scandal in Bohemia.

                  The Striped Chest.

                 Through the Veil.




[Pg xxii]

 24. Hardy: The Three Strangers. 25. Harris: The Wonderful Tar Baby. 26. Harte: Luck of Roaring Camp. 27. Tennessee's Partner. 28. Hawthorne: The Ambitious Guest. 29. Ethan Brand. 30. The Gray Champion. 31. The Great Stone Face. 32. "O. Henry": Friends in San Rosario. 33. Jimmie Hayes and Muriel. 34. Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 35. The Spectre Bridegroom. 36. James: A Passionate Pilgrim. 37. Janvier: In the St. Peter's Set. 38. The Passing of Thomas. 39. Jewett: A Native of Winby. 40. Kipling: The Brushwood Boy. 41. An Habitation Enforced. 42. The Maltese Cat. 43. My Lord the Elephant. 44. Rikki-tikki-tavi. 45. They. 46. The Tomb of His Ancestors. 47. Wee Willie Winkie. 48. William the Conqueror. 49. London: The White Silence. 50. Morris: The Trap. 51. Murfree: The "Harnt" that Walks Chilhowee. 52. Page: Marse Chan. 53. Meh Lady. 54. Polly. 55. Parker:  The Stake and the Plumb Line. [Pg xxiii]



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