No wronge shall be but he wyll it soone seace Knyttynge the knotte of fayth loue and peace Bytwene you and hym without dysturbaunce So for to endure by longe contynuaunce Ryght myghty prynce our good souerayne lorde To god enclynynge be hardy and gladde Of you and your realme he wyll se concorde Though other nacyons be therfore full sadde Agaynst you murmurynge with theyr werkes badde Yet drede ye nothynge for god with his myght Wyll be alwaye redy to defende the ryght Ryght noble / wyse / and excellent pryncesse Ryght benygne lady / lyberall and vertuous Dyscended lynyally of the lyne of noblenesse Fayre quene katheryne so swete adn precyous To our souerayne espoused with Ioy solacyous Almyghty god gyue grace to myltyplye From you your stoures to reyne ryght ryally And lady Mary prynces ryght beauteous Indued with honour / vertue / and prudence