Luna. An thou watery dyane of the se the goddes With thy broder eolus the god of the wynde Encourage the hertes by in warde hardynes Of ******* ******* || And enmyes ryse that they be not behynde Them for to chace and the se to scoure By grace and fortune in many a stormy stoure O god aboue / trononysed in heuen In whose wyll resteth euery thynge alone The skye / the erthe / with all the planettes seuen Without whose grace / comforte haue we none As thou arte thre enclusyd in one So saue our souerayne / from all maner wo And this his realme from mortall warre also Holy chirche reioyce / with all your lybertees Withouten dõmage / the kynge wyll ye encreace And be your shelde from all aduersytees