With thy radyant beames so hye of fauoure Deuoydynge all trechery debate and rancoure Any yllumyne the mynde with lyberalyte Of our good souerayne with welth and vnyte Venus. And lady Venus with thy sone Cupyde Of euery lorde do nowe the herte enspyre With feruent loue that he do not slyde And of the comyns set the hertes on fyre To loue our souerayne with theyr hole desyre Folowynge his grace with dulcet armonye To the ryghtfull waye withouten Ieoperdye Mercury Also thou Mercury the god of eloquence The gentyll sterre of grace and vertue Thy beames of ryght peace and conscyence On our kynges counsayll downe send and renue The trouthe of Iustyce / that they may extue For to do wronge by the synne of couetyce That here before hathe done grete preiudyce