Now gentyll Iupyter the lodesterre of lyghte Thy stedfast beames so fayre and so clere Cast now abrede that we may haue a syght To gladde vs all whan that they do appere Sendynge downe trouthe from thy fulgent spere For to make our hertes mekely to enclyne A3 To serue our souerayue whiche doth nowe domyne Mars O myghty Mars o god of the warre O flambynge honour of euery hardy herte Sende downe thy power truely from so ferre Us to encourage that we do not sterte But by hardynes that we may subuerte Our soueraynes enemyes to hym contraryous By bataylles fyrse ryghtfull and rygorous Phebus And thou fayre bright / and aureate phebus Encreace now lyght with loue and honoure Amonge the lordes so gay and gloryus