How / where / or whan I cam nothynge say Therfore to god aboue let vs all pray For to graunt hym mercy whiche was our kynge Bryngynge his soule to Ioy euerlastinge A fayre Englonde mystruste the ryght nought Regarde ryght well / his sonnes Iustyce Se how that they whyche inuencyons sought Delytynge them in the synne of auaryce To oppresse the comyns by grete preiudyce Dothe he not punysshe them accordynge to lawe Suche newe promocyons to dampne and withdrawe Saturne Fy on the saturne with thy mysty fume Replete with fraude treason and wyckednes To shewe thy beames thou darest not presume So cursed thou arte withouten stablenes Deuoyde of grace fulfylled with doblenes Thy power to Englonde was neuer amyable But alwayes euyll vntrue and varyable Iupyter.