Wherefore nowe Englonde with hole deuocyon For this yonge kynge make dayly orayson Our late souerayne his fader excellent I knowe ryght well some holde oppynyon That to auaryce he had entendement Gadrynge grete rychesse of this his regyon But they lytell knowe by theyr small reason For what hye entente he gadered doutles Vnto his grace suche innumerable ryches For I thynke well and god had sente hym lyfe || As they haue meruaylled moche of this gadrynge So it to them sholde haue ben affyrmatyfe To haue had grete wonder of his spendynge It may fortune he thought to haue mouynge Of mortall warre our fayth to stablysshe Agaynst the turkes theyr power to mynysshe But syth that dethe by his course naturall Hathe hym arested / and wolde not delay Lyke wyse as he was so be we mortall