This kynge and quene by good true loue and ryght What sholde I shewe by perambulacyon All this grete tryumphe of whiche reporte Is made aboute nowe in euery nacyon Vnto all this realme to be Ioy and comforte Wherfore you lordes I humby you exhorte Spyrytuall and temporall with the comyns vnyfyde To gyue god the prayse which dothe grace prouyde Englonde be gladde / the dewe of grace is spred The dewe of Ioy / the dewe holsome and soote Dystylled is nowe from the rose so red And of the whyte so spryngynge from the roote After our trouble to be refute and boote This ryall tree was planted as I knowe By god aboue the rancour to downe throwe Who is the floure that dothe this grace dystyll But onely Henry the viii.kynge of his name With golden droppes all Englonde to fulfyll To shewe his larges his honour and his fame His dedes therto exemplefye the fame