In whose inspecte is euery regall se Both to enhaũce & for to cast adowne Suche is ye power of thỹ hygh magiste Neyther hardynes treasour nor dygnyte May withstande thy strength whiche is ĩ euery place So grete and myghty is thy dyuyne grace Two tytles in one thou dydest well vnyfye Whan the rede rose toke the whyte in maryage Reygnynge togyder ryght hygh and noblye From whose vnyd tytyls and worthy lygnage Descended is by ryght excellent courage Kynge Henry the .viii. for to reygne doutles Vnyuersall his fame honour and larges Whiche hathe spousyd a fayre floure of vertue Descended of kynges dame katheryn of Spayne ******* A2 By grace and prudens the peace to attayne Wherfore Englonde thou nedes not complayne Syth thou hast crowned openly in syght