Englonde be true and loue well eche other Obey your souerayne / and god omnypotent Whiche is aboue / of all the worlde the rother Wyll sende you welth / from whome all good is sente He gyue vs grace to kepe his cõmaundement And saue our souerayne / with his semely quene With all theyr bloode / without trouble and tene ¶ Amen. ¶ Excusacio auctoris ¶ Go lytell treatyse submyt the humbly To our souerayne lorde / to be in his presence Besechynge his grace to accepte the mekely And to pardon thy rudenes and neclygence ******* || To compyle those maters whiche sholde pleasure be Unto his hyghnes and regall maieste Now ye fayre laydes, wyse and vertuous I ryght humbly praye you for to condyscende To accepte my makynge nothynge facundious