Syth it to you is the eternall heale And the releace of euerlastynge wo Beholde this lettre with the prynte also Of myn owne seale by perfyte portrature Prynte it in mynde and ye shall helthe recure And ye kynges and lordes of renowne Exorte your seruauntes theyr swerynge to cease Come vnto me and cast your synne adowne And I my vengeaunce shall truely releace With grace and plente / I shall you encrace [A.viii.] And brynge you whiche reuolue inwardly This is my complaynte to eternall glory. AMEN. ¶The Auctour as foloweth. ¶Go lytell treatyse deuoyde of eloquence Tremblynge for dreade to approche the maieste Of our souereynge lord surmountynge in excellence Put under the wynge of his benygnyte Submyttynge the to his mercyfull pytie.