The Conuercyon of swerers(The Conversion of Swearers)
I must take vengeaunce vpon you sykerly

That by your swerynge, agayne me crucefye

 For at the request of good mercy and peace

I haue forborne you longe and many a daye

Þet more and more your synnes do encrease

Wherfore my Iustyce wyll no more delaye


But take vengeaunce for all your proude araye

I warne you ofte ye are nothynge the better

But ye amende my vengenaunce shall be gretter

 ¶ Contra iuratores christi in celo crucifigentes. per bernardũ dicit dominus. Nonne satis pro te vulneratus sum? nonne satis pro te afflictus sum? desine amplius peccare. quia magis aggrauat vulnus peccati quam vulnus lateris mei. 

Am not I wounded for the suffycyent

Haue I not for the ynoughe afflyccyon

Leue more to synne by good amendement

The wounde of synne to me is more passyon

Than the wounde of my syde for thy redempcyon

Thoughe I do spare I shall you desteny

But ye amende to brenne eternally

 With my blody woundes I dyde your chartre seale

Why do you tere it / why do ye breke it so

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