Insacyately do beholde my face Regarde no Ioye of the erthly consystory For lyke as Phebus dothe the snowe relente So passeth the Ioyes of the worlde transytory Tyme renneth fast tyll worldly lyfe be spente Consyder this in your entendemente Blessed be they that my worde do here And kepe it well, for they are to me dere Therfore good brederne your hertes enclyne To loue and drede me that am omnipotent Bothe god and man in Ioye celestyne Beholde my body all to torne and rente With your spytefull othes cruell and vyolent I loue you ye hate me ye are to harde herted I helpe you ye tere me lo how for you I smerted Mercy and peace dyde make an vnyte Bytwene you and me but trouthe & ryghtwysnesse Do nowe complayne byddynge my godheed se How that ye breke the lege of sothfastnesse They tell me that by Iustyce doubtelesse