Come vnto my Ioye and agayne reuerte From the deuylles snare and his sutyl net Beware of the worlde all aboute the set Thy flesshe is redy by concupyscence To burne thy herte with cursed vyolence Thoughe these thre enmyes do sore the assayle Vpon euery syde with daungerous iniquite But yf thou lyst / they may nothynge preuayle Nor yet subdue the with all theyr extremyte To do good or yll / all is at thy lyberte I do graunte the grace thyn enemyes to subdue Swete broder accepte it theyr power to extue And ye kynges and prynces of hye noblenes With dukes and lordes of euery dygnyte Indued with manhode wysdome and ryches Ouer the comons hauynge the soueraynte Correcte them whiche so do tere me By cruell othes without repentaunce Amende be tyme lest I take vengeaunce ||