Exodi vicesimo / non accipies nomen dei tui in vãnum Vnto the man I gaue commaundement Not to take the name of thy god vaynfully As not to swere but at tyme conuenyent Before a Iuge to bere recorde truely Namynge my name with reuerence mekely Vnto the Iuge than there in presence By my name to gyue to the good credence A my brederne yf that I be wrothe It is for cause ye falsly by me swere Ye knowe yourselfe that I am very trothe Þet wrongfully ye do me rente and tere ye neyther loue me nor my Iustyce fere And yf ye dyde ye wolde full gentylly Obeye my byddynge well and perfytely The worldly kynges hauynge the soueraynte ye do well obey without resystence ye dare not take theyr names in vanyte But with grete honoure and eke reuerence Than my name more hye of magnyfycence