Se what shall come / lest that thou ouer throwe A sodayne rysynge dooth oft fall alowe Without the grounde / be ryghe sure and perfyte Beholde well this glasse / & take thy respyte Whan thou hast so done / to this floure resorte Laboure to gete it / from this harde yren chayne Unto the gynnes / vnto thy grete conforte Yf that thou canst / and take it for thy payne To be they helpe / in thy Iournaye certayne Lo here the vertues vnder wryten be Of this ryall floure in euery degre This ryche emeraude / who so dooth it bere From his fyrst werynge / his syght shal not mynysshe Payne of the heed he nedeth not to fere By dynt of swerde / he shall neuer perysshe Ne no thynge begyn / but he shall well fynysshe Yf it be ryghtfull aftyr a true entent Without resystence of grete impedyment Of all nygromancy / and fals enchauntement Agaynst hym wrought / he shall knowe the effecte