With ony maner of the ayry influence Nor by the mouthe for I am not fyxte For to be swalowed by erthly experyence Nor yet by felynge or touchynge exystence My power dyuyne can not be palpable For I myselfe am no thynge manyable Yet vysyble I may be by good apparaunce As in the lykenesse of a doue vnto chryste Ihesu At his baptysme I dyde it with good countenaunce To shewe our godhed to be hygh and true And at his transfyguracyon our power to ensue In a fayre cloude with clere rayes radyaunt Ouer hym that I was well apparaunt B.iiii. Also truely yet at the feest of pentycoste To the sones moder and the apostelles all In tonges of fyre as god of myghtes moost I dyde appere shewynge my power spyrytuall Enflambynge theyr hertes by vertues supernall Whiche after that by languages well