In euery regyon coude pronounce the gospell And where I lyst by power dyuyne I do enspyre oft causynge grete prophecy Whiche is mysconstrued whan some do enclyne Thynkynge by theyr wytte to perceyue it lyghtly Or elles calke with deuylles the trouth to sertyfy Whiche contrary be to all true saynge For deuylles be subtyll and alwaye lyenge Whan I had aduerted with my dylygence All the scrypture I sawe me besyde Hãge a fayre swerde & shelde of meruailous excellẽce Whiche to beholde I dyde than abyde To blase the armes I dyde well prouyde The felde was syluer / and in it a medowe grene With an olyue tre full meruaylously besene Two lyons of asure vpon euery syde Couchande were truely besyde this olyue tree A hande of stele wherin was wryten pryde Dyde holde this ryall swerde in certaynte A scrypture there was whiche sayd by subtylte