The printed book did not number the pages in sequence; instead it numbered the recto (odd, right) pages of the first few leaves in each signature. Folio numbers in smaller print were added by the transcriber; all verso (even, left) pages are shown as ||. Two sets of pages were apparently printed out of sequence. Details are given at the end of the text, along with notes on a few other problems. A few words such as “with” or “the” were printed as abbreviations: initial “y” (for þ, thorn) or “w” with small “t” or “e” above it. These are shown as ordinary superscripts: ye, wt. Typographical errors are shown with mouse-hover popups. Numerals such as “.x.” were printed without adjoining spaces; spacing has been silently added. The table of contents was part of the original text. aa .i. aa .i. ¶ Here begynneth the boke called the example of vertu. aa .ii. Tabula libri ¶ Fyrste a prologue. ¶ How youth mette with discrecyon in a medowe in his dreme & was reformed by her prouerbes ca.i. ca.i. ¶ How youth with discrecyon sayled ouer the daungerous passage of vayne glorye and arryued in a fayre Ilonde longynge to foure ladyes named Hardynes / Sapyence / fortune / & nature. ca.ii ca.ii ¶ Of the meruaylous palays of fortune ca.iii.