That had to name forsothe Tyberius Whiche dyde enquere of prudent Iosethus || ¶ Why he his offycers so longe kepte Vnto hym he answered a good cause why Somtyme I sawe a man that slepte That wounded was full pyteously And on his woundes suckynge many a fly I than for pyte moued theym away By whiche he woke and to me dyde say ¶ Wher that thou trowed to me comfort Thou now hast done me double greuaunce Puttynge away the flyes that dyde resorte To me beynge full of blody sustynaunce By this thou mayst haue good perseueraunce That now wyll come the flyes moost hungry That wyll me byte .x. tymes more greuously ¶ The roof was wrought by merueylous gemetry Colered with asure gold and gowlys With knottes coruen full ryght craftely