And by me slayn for theyr fals fyte || The seconde is lawe that euer serueth But within the realme onely For other nacyons our lawe ne dredeth But our swerd they do in specyally For and they roose ayenst vs proudly As they haue done often in tymes past Yet wt our swerd they shold be ouercast The thyrde be marchauntes that do multyply In this realme welth and prosperyte For of euery thynge they often occupy Euery man lyke vnto his faculte For without marchauntes can not be No realme vpholden in welth & pleasure For it to vs is a specyall tresure Also yet hercules the puyssaunt geaunt Dyd slee the monstre afore Troy the grete And with his strokes he dyd hym daunt They were so peysantly on hym sette