That he the vyctory on hym dyd gette Had I not be comfort vnto his harte Suche vyctory had ben leyd aparte Dyd he not vaynquysshe in ye forest of Nemee The thre mortall lyons by his grete hardynes And ryued theyr Iawes as was to se By twene his handes by chyualrus prowes And yet by armes and knyghtly exces In egypt he slewe the tyraunt Busyre And brent hym after in a grete fyre cc .vi. Also he slewe the tyraunt Cacus For his tyranny and grete myschefe By cause his dedys were so odyous For he dyd murdre and was a thefe Wherfore his deth to many was leef Who more of his actes wyll haue report To the Troyans story lette hym resort Also the worthy and the noble hectour That eclyped was the troyans champyon