Saynge his mercy is ouer all To whom I pray euer in especyall To gyue me grace well my penne to lede That quaketh aye for drede dd .i. Dame Sapyence sayd I do procede Of the strength of the holy ghoost That is and shall be mater in dede God and lorde of myghtys moost Whose infynall power was neuer lost And yet neuer had no begynnynge But alway lyke stronge without endynge Where that dame hardynes in her pledynge Made her selfe to knyghtes moost necessary By the meanes of her power shewynge That I by ryght do now well deny For in that case she dyd moche vary For syxe there are that more profyte be Of whiche the lest is better than she The fyrst is prudence that is the chefe