That hym doth rule and is his gyde And kepeth hym from grete reprefe And causeth his worshyp for to abyde So euery crysten man shold prouyde By his wit to withstand the deuyll That he consent not to do euyll The seconde is that he sholde be true To his souerayn lorde that on hym reyneth And all treason for euer to eschewe In whiche grete shame often remayneth And by whiche he hizB kỹge dysteyneth So a crysten man sholde be true euer To Ihesu Cryst that was his redemer || The thyrde is that he sholde be lyberall Amonge his cõmons withouten lette That is the cause euer in generall That he the loue of theym doth gette For it causeth theyr hertes on hym be sette So euery true crysten man sholde be